
Pony up for independent artists – donate now!

Donate Now

Melbourne Fringe is proud to ride side-by-side with independent artists. They are spirited stallions of innovation, maverick mares of imagination – and right now we need your support to help ensure their stable future.

Because while we love a little horseplay, when it comes to the struggles artists are facing, we’re not horsing around.

Instead of galloping free, artists are jumping hurdle after hurdle, all while being flogged with the whip of financial burden. Time to dream up big ideas? Gobbled up by extra shifts to make ends meet. Capacity to harness artform-expanding technologies? Chewed up applying for grants from overstretched arts bodies. Fair wages for all creatives? Eroded by the rising cost of materials.

Melbourne Fringe is steadying the course with vital initiatives like the Fringe Fund, Deadly Fringe, XS, Radical Access, Tour Ready and Access Fringe. These programs support artists with commissions and grants both big and small, touring matchmaking to extend the life and viability of artworks, sector development programs that grow the independent arts landscape, and essential cost bursaries to help artists facing disadvantage leap over financial barriers.

But we can’t do all this alone. Help artists take their ideas from a trot to a full-blown gallop. Donate now.

Your tax-deductible EOFY donation goes directly to supporting Melbourne Fringe’s vital work enabling the best conditions for artists to thrive.

Artists tell us all the time that support from Melbourne Fringe is the difference between making art, and not. Neigh-ver underestimate the power of your donation to make great art happen.

DONATE NOW. Giddy up!

Donate Now

Make a donation

Online– select the amount you want to donate (or choose your own) and add it to your account.
Phone– give us a buzz on 03 9660 9600 and we can process your donation live on air (we’ll even sing you a thank you song)
Cheque or EFT – just fill out the online form here and then donate by sending your donation by bank transfer or snail mailing us a cheque (take a look at the form for our bank/post details).

Dead Fringers’ Society

Legacy donations let you leave behind a meaningful and enduring gift to the independent arts community – and support our best emerging artistic talent long into the future.

Let’s be clear here: no-one wants you shuffling off this mortal coil a second before your time, but when it does finally happen? Consider how your bequest to Melbourne Fringe can help secure the long-term future of Australia’s most adventurous, inclusive and all-encompassing multi-artform festival (that’s us!).

For more than 40 years, Melbourne Fringe has served up a smorgasbord of bold, brave and remarkable creative works. We provide independent artists with the space to take risks and try something new. We kickstart careers and unearth exciting new talent with vital voices. We challenge perceptions and shake up the hierarchy, we’re rebellious spirits, we’re disrupters and thinkers, makers, creators and truth-tellers. That’s our legacy – and if it sounds like it could be your legacy too, contact Miranda Borman, Head of Development, at miranda@melbournefringe.com.au or 03 9660 9600.

Yes, I’d like to donate

Independent artists doing it tough right now. Donate today support the creation of brand-new exciting work. All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

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