
Festival News #8

Melbourne Fringe 2017 is about to come to an end. If you need some recommendations for the final weekend, check out these brilliant performances. Said the reviewer.

Geraldine Hickey – It’s My Show ” …wonderful because there is a sense that she’s genuinely herself on stage” – Squirrel Comedy
The Imperial Hotel, 19 – 29 Sept

Here.Live.Now “The show succeeded in keeping it simple with minimal props and focussing on the characters within each of the scenes…”Hugging Comedians
Howey Downstairs, 26 – 30 Sept

Ophelia’s Inner Monologue“…a short play that explores very important issues…” – WeekendNotes
Courthouse Hotel, 22 – 1 Oct

Discordia “an absurdist group that have already cemented themselves as an attraction…” –  The Plus Ones
Arts Centre Melbourne, 27 Sept – 1 Oct

Hazel’s Circus Suitcase “…employs a variety of simple but effective entertainment techniques that stimulate the imagination and has her audience enthralled…” – Stage Whispers
Emerald City, 23 – 30 Sept