Give us some money (please). We'll spend it wisely, we promise.
Created and Performed by: Students of Monash University
Directed by: Penelope Bartlau (Barking Spider Creative)
Today, we let 'the market' decide many things. Some believe it should decide everything.But how do markets come to be? And who gets to make - and change - the rules of trade?A new interactive and participatory work by Barking Spider Creative, made and presented by students from Monash University, TRADE is a fun and provoking hour where you'll be invited into a brand new marketplace, help to make its rules, and roam around Trades Hall, trading for things you want.TRADE explores how and why we ascribe value to objects; what rules we think the market should play by, and what rules should apply to us; and what happens when market forces are unleashed.Be warned: You may find things out about yourself, and what you're prepared to trade.TRADE is supported by Monash University's Sir Zelman Cowen School of Music and Performance, and Monash Performing Arts Centres.
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