
  • Fringe Festival

IT-ME TIME Traveller Beta Live x Social Dis Dance – 超時空人魚夜總會 x 社會交流電死舞

Ever been invited to a rave by a mermaid from the future? Now you have.

  • Performed by: Betty Apple and Social Dis Dance

In the near future, Beta Version Cyborg-Mermaid (Betty Apple) travels back in time with a warning for humanity. In her attempt to get humans to heed her message, our Cyborg-Mermaid heroine transforms into the lead singer of an industrial techno band Social Dis Dance, using their experimental sound to open our eyes to our destinies. If a machine mermaid from the MetaVerse gave you a message from the future, would you listen?

Betty Apple is known for her powerful, often provocative live performance work and experimental projects, and is one of the leading lights from a younger generation of avant-garde artists in Taiwan. Betty Apple was commissioned by Melbourne Fringe in 2021 to create IT-ME: TIME Traveller Beta2021 -超時空人魚傳說 .

IT 是引領時代潮流的網紅,也是信息技術的意思,IT ME為TIME時間的反轉,透過語意的迷音以一場演出展示後Covid時代的數字神秘主義的現場,21世紀科幻異教法會,來自未來的人魚降臨在來自台灣的前衛酷兒藝術家Betty Apple 倍帝愛波身上,帶領觀眾以身體讀取聲波,透過人魚功冥想得出神,讓心靈狂歡進到更奇幻次元的新宇宙,緊接著將引領臺灣工業電音團 社會交流電死舞 Social Dis Dance 透過電音合成器與即興唸唱,現場影像重組,打破現實與數位的界線,以音場共振來面對末日世界觀。

本作品由墨爾本藝穗節呈現, 為「聚焦臺灣」(Fringe Focus Taiwan)節目之一,由中華民國文化部與駐雪梨辦事處文化組支持。

This work is presented by Melbourne Fringe as part of Fringe Focus Taiwan, supported by The Ministry of Culture, Republic of China (Taiwan) and Cultural Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Sydney.