Give us some money (please). We'll spend it wisely, we promise.
Curated by: Long Prawn and Hosted by Ecstasy Cookbook
Performed by: Harrison Ritchie Jones and Michaela Tancheff
Presented by: Melbourne Fringe and Fed Square
A closed-curtain sit-down dinner serving heightened food, art and performance.Coalescing around the grill will be the world-building cooks Ecstacy Cookbook from the UK, rubbing chops with independent dancer, choreographer and filmmaker Harrison Ritchie Jones. The thematic meal explores hosting and guesting from one side of the world to the other; through humour, virtuosity, ingredients, and skill sharing, the meal will examine what makes a welcome guest.This event occurs within the COOKED public BBQ space designed by Mikhail Savin Rodrick Projects and Long Prawn, with BBQ designed and built by Mike Hewson.
longprawn.comLet's be pen pals! Stay up to date with all things upcoming events, festival goss and, of course, cheeky giveaways.
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