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Presented by: Eleanor Golding
The world is far too dangerous for women.Assault and domestic violence numbers are at an all-time high, red pill incels lurk in every corner of the internet and skincare for 5 year olds has never been more popular. The world is so dangerous in fact that following a tragedy in their cookie-cutter cul de sac, partners Evan and Cora agree that Cora should retreat to a beach-side apartment that Evan has rented for her. Just until she feels it's safe for her to come out again. The apartment promises beautiful surroundings, endless serenity and a peeling yellow wallpaper that creeps from room to room. Although Cora can’t help but wonder if the danger has infiltrated her home. She hears terrible cries at night, scratching sounds under her floorboards and she’s certain that someone in the yellow wallpaper is laughing at her. But the outside world is far too dangerous for women, the constant threat of male violence would send anyone mad. Thank god, Evan is one of the good ones.
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