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The 2011 film Contagion starring Kate Winslet, Jude Law, Matt Damon, Marion, Laurence, and Gwyneth, was both wildly fear mongering, and eerily predictive of 2020. To celebrate-mourn these UNPRECEDENTED times, we bring you a once-only live reading of the film script (with some commentary) starring 38 of Melbourne's favourite performance makers by your good friends who brought you The Bachelor S17E05. Come laugh/cry/scream into the abyss with us.
Featuring: Julia Billington, Whil Bride, Maggie Brown, Emilie Collyer, James Deeth, John Marc Desengano, Kerensa Diball, Alice Dixon, Lily Fish, Scott Gooding, Ellen Grimshaw, Emma Hall, Kat Henry, Kate Hunter, Nisha Joseph, Joey Lai, Kieran Law, Michael Logo, Caroline Meaden, Robbie O'Brien, Amarachi Okorom, Peter Paltos, Rachel Perks, Sam Plummer, Charles Purcell, Vidya Rajan, Rebekah Robertson, Dave Sleswick, Sonya Suares, Sarah Sutherland, Emily Tomlins, Lou Wall, Sarah Walker, Peta Ward, Mark Wilson, and Harvey Zielinski.
Image by Michael Greaney
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