
  • Fringe Festival

A Date with Nature

What's your post lockdown dream date?

  • Artist: Lucy Bee AKA Lucy Buckley

Add some salts to your bath or create a peaceful, cushioned nook where you won’t be disturbed. Turn off the lights, close your eyes, feel into your body, and let me take your senses on a journey to my favourite spots in nature.

A Date with Nature is an intimate series of ten-minute guided sensory explorations, each with a different flavour. Transporting you from your home to fresh sprays from crystal falls in a sub-tropical rainforest, watching sunset from mossy rocks on a mountain top, or sifting your toes through fine white grains of sands by a crackling bonfire at the beach.

These digital dates will play through Soundcloud and are best experienced through headphones or a speaker connected to a fully charged electronic device. Please ensure that DO NOT DISTURB is switched on to prevent interruptions. Pre-installing the Soundcloud app may prevent technical hiccups on mobile devices.

So, what do you say?

Make yourself comfortable, and drop into a date, or three? Listen at your leisure - anytime from 6pm-11pm from November 23-29.

Recommended donation: "I'll take a watermelon and mint frappe please." xx

Erm, excuse me, but blooooody hell that was lovely!! I just think it’s wonderful! - Grace Watt
