Dance & Physical Theatre

Weave: The Solos

Weave performers branch out to create glimpses into inner worlds. Six performers, six directors.

Sessions & Tickets
Main image is a tall man in a red shirt, dancing in a wheelchair.
Image of a woman in white with 16th century neck ruff and headphones, dancing.

Image Credit: Paul Dunn

Main image is a tall man in a red shirt, dancing in a wheelchair.
Image of a woman in white with 16th century neck ruff and headphones, dancing.
  • Directed by: Weave Movement Theatre

  • Presented by: Dancehouse

A unique work by highly experienced Disabled performers in collaboration with a diverse group of noteworthy directors and choreographers from a range of performance practices, all physically based:

Directors: Michelle Heaven, David Woods, Peter Fraser, Zya Kane, Milly Cooper, Leesa Nash.
Performers: David Baker, Trevor Dunn, Janice Florence, Uncle Greg Muir, Emma Norton, Anthony Riddell.

This is a unique project by a Disability performance company in Australia. It is a wonderful cross pollination among independent performers, directors and choreographers. It adds to the richness and diversity of Melbourne’s art scene and Dancehouse’s courageous, daring programming.

Program 1 - Wed 2 Oct & Fri 4 Oct
Anthony Riddell
Emma Norton
Janice Florence

Program 2 - Thurs 3 Oct & Sat 5 Oct
Uncle Greg
David Baker
Trevor Dunn

Warning for First Nations people that Program 2 contains the name, voice and images of a First Nations artist who has died

About Weave Movement Theatre

Weave Movement Theatre is a dance/physical theatre company, formed in 1998. Weave comprises a core company of Disabled performers, often including guest non-disabled performers. They combine dance, physical theatre, visual theatre, spoken word, pedestrian movement and physical humour. Weave challenges conventional ways of seeing dance theatre and disability. Weave provides a model for inclusive performance.

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