Dance & Physical Theatre

Perceive us. I dare you.

This is your invitation. Enter a realm of our investigation of perception.

Sessions & Tickets
Image of six faces distorted as they are pressed onto a scanner or pane of glass.
A grid of 6 faces distorted as they are pressed into a scanner, the words

Image Credit: Byron Lewis, Darcie Eckersley, Ebi Coniglio, Kristen Cafari, Misch Kurzeme and Phoebe Allen

Image of six faces distorted as they are pressed onto a scanner or pane of glass.
A grid of 6 faces distorted as they are pressed into a scanner, the words
  • Performed by: CoExist Collective

  • Created and Performed by: Byron Lewis, Darcie Eckersley, Ebi Coniglio, Kristen Cafari, Misch Kurzeme and Phoebe Allen

Presented by CoExist Collective, Perceive us. I dare you., is a site-specific collaborative production of contemporary dance and performance art featuring three installation works. We invite audiences to experience our thoughts, views and preconceptions around perception and being perceived.

The first work, 'A Timeline of Shedding' by Misch Kurzeme and Ebi Coniglio, establishes the world by reflecting upon societal expectations and the subsequent influence in one's presentation of self. Through a journey towards acceptance, we let go of the weight of what ‘should be’ and reclaim self expression.

The audience continues into 'Constant' by Byron Lewis and Phoebe Allen, which hones in on the effects of information being continuously and unavoidably presented to us. How does the rate of constant and ever evolving information manipulate the way we experience ourselves and others?

Concluding with 'Am I Them?', by Darcie Eckersley and Kristen Cafari, the work attempts to decipher the larger than life questions resulting from our preconceived landscape that imposes an "us" and a "them". Surrounded and encased by wire models crafted by Joseph Newton-Keogh, the two embody this otherness and explore what it is to function as one part of a collective self.

About CoExist Collective

CoExist seeks to nurture a community-driven support network, in which artists can be supported in creating opportunities, stimulating professional and personal growth, education and creative collaboration.

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