
The Interview

A mistake that leads to some very interesting consequences... some might call it fate.

Sessions & Tickets
A stunning, young woman with electric blue hair. She wears a tight fitting black dress and holds a blue hourglass above the man's head.
A young, attractive blue-haired woman dressed in corporate clothes holds a blue hourglass

Image Credit: Tom Noble

A stunning, young woman with electric blue hair. She wears a tight fitting black dress and holds a blue hourglass above the man's head.
A young, attractive blue-haired woman dressed in corporate clothes holds a blue hourglass
  • Performed by: Maroussia Vladi

  • Written by: Maroussia Vladi and Les Tate

  • Directed by: Geoff Gunn

Meet Meg & Greg ... they're meeting for the first time too!

Only, there's a slight misunderstanding: Greg thinks he's attending a job interview (he is desperate), while Meg (she's a psychologist) takes Greg to be her new patient. Neither corrects the other (why would they?). And so, the emotional journey of these two misfits begins: Greg trying to impress Meg with all his achievements, while Meg is far more interested to hear of Greg's short-comings. Only Greg's not too keen to talk about those... Is anyone? Are you?

You will be after you see 'The Interview', or as we like to call it ‘The Inner-View’. See what we did there? We swapped the ‘t’ out for an ‘n’... yep, you got it!

Turns out, our failures are the most interesting and endearing thing about us. Pity we find it so hard to share our trials and tribulations with the people we love. We need a 'Meg & Greg' with whom to divulge our inner turmoil.

Sometimes (often!) it takes a stranger to really get to know you.

About Maroussia Vladi

Maroussia Vladi is a professionally trained actress and an experienced theatre-maker. Upon completing her Bachelors with Honours in Performing Arts at the Flinders University Drama Centre, Maroussia was invited to study at the prestigious international physical theatre school École Jacques Lecoq in Paris.

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