
Hello Players! Vol 2.

An hour of original hip hop musical comedy.

Sessions & Tickets
A man in a blue and purple corduroy suit with large chains around his neck sits on a 2006 Toyota Corolla taken with a fish eye lens. Another man is behind him leaning on the side of the car in a varsity jacket. The car is parked along a street lined with grass and palm trees.

Image Credit: Ece Mustafoff

  • Created and Performed by: Randy Adeva & Brendan Wan

  • Directed by: Tiana Hogben

  • Lighting Design: Caitlyn Staples

R.A.N.D.Y needs a comeback album.

The hip hop artist ain't as fresh as he once was and album sales have been on a sharp decline.

At the behest of his music producer B-Dubz, R.A.N.D.Y aims to get back to the top by doing the one thing a Filipino-Australian with a catholic upbringing can’t do.... express his authentic self.

Armed with lyrical rhymes and nasty beats, R.A.N.D.Y will need to dig deep and perform in front of a live studio audience to create his magnum opus.

'Hello Players: Vol. 2' is a 50min hip hop comedy show by R&B, an Asian-Australian sketch comedy duo consisting of Randy Adeva and Brendan Wan.

"A very impressive solo debut" ☆☆☆☆ – Lilithia Reviews

“Sketch comedians to watch!” – The Age

“Generating a roomful of laughter” – Farrago Magazine

This project received Cash for Equity through the Fringe Fund, as part of the Ralph Mclean Microgrants program

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