
Twenty Million Thousand Leagues Under the Sea

If we could afford a submarine this show would be a lot better, but we'll have to make do with junk.

Sessions & Tickets
Two disembodied and distorted colourfully illustrated heads float in the sky above tumultuous seas. A sketch sits in the foreground of a boat of poor travellers defiantly sail into an enormous wave.

Image Credit: Cooper Donald McDonald

  • Created and Performed by: Pummel Squad

  • Produced by: Will Hall

Join pummel squad as we go clinking, clunking, spelunking down depths never before explored. Prepare to be dazzled and confused as we bob along the bottom of the beautiful briny sea, then burst through the earth’s atmosphere for our rendezvous with the moonmen. Shadows, bells, whistles and horns, elegant dancing to horrible music, giant spring shoes to reach new heights, exotic birds, romance, heroism, villainy, sea creatures, cellophane and highly-skilled penguin waiters – all for just thirty-ish dollars!

About Pummel Squad

Pummel Squad is an experimental theatre collective. At the helm of the infernal contraption you’ll find; Ludomyr Kemp Mykyta, Harry McGee and Cooper Donald McDonald, barely hidden behind a dirty little curtain, wildly pulling levers and pushing buttons, blowing whistles and ringing bells, mouths full of tuna-salad sandwich, surrounded by empty coffee cups, laughing at each others hypotheticals. Our practice is an inclusive, collaborative, ‘play’ based approach to making work. At the heart of each pursuit; a sense of humour, mad ambition and an element of fierce experimentation beating a tiny drum, wearing a hat that says “process”. Formed in 2023, P.S. staged their first work, Soup Friends, at The Square with Melbourne Fringe Festival, garnering award nominations for; best experimental, best emerging artist and spirit of the fringe. Pummel Squad finished the year with their first ever annual Christmas pantomime, The Owl of the Woods or The Gruesome Murder of Micheal Malloy. In 2024, Pummel Squad collaborated with ‘Team Meeting’, devising a quick-make piece of theatre, ‘Addressing the Controversies’. Most recently the squad performed their latest work, the 918th beautiful convention to cure world ugliness; Spring Has Sprung or The Beautiful Show at Testing Grounds’s creative development space.

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