

Will the real A-aron please stand up.

  • Dates 12 - 20 Oct
  • Time 9:30pm, 8:30pm (55 minutes)
  • Venues Theory Bar
Sessions & Tickets
A man dressed in jeans and a grey tee, holding onto a large graphic red arrow that is firing out of a phone. Blurred emojis also appear to be firing out of the phone with the same speed as the arrow.

Image Credit: Zachary James

  • Directed by: Aaron Verrocchi

  • Produced by: Aaron Verrocchi

  • Performed by: Aaron Verrocchi & Special Guests

Verocky Entertainment presents Aaron Verrocchi in Trending. Aaron will be performing in his second festival show and debut in the Melbourne Fringe Festival. This 60 minute special will have everything from trending topics, fresh and hilarious takes on social media, technology and journalism, as well as some special guests including other trending comedians in Melbourne right now!

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