
The Unskilled Immigrant

Not All Immigrants are Skilled. Hilarious and shocking stories of an Unskilled Immigrant!

Sessions & Tickets
The image shows a man with dark hair and a beard, wearing a navy blue suit with a white shirt and a patterned tie. He also has a red flower pinned to his suit's lapel. The man is holding two large, round pieces of papadums. up to the sides of his head, giving the appearance of large ears. The background is plain and neutral, highlighting the humorous and creative pose.

Image Credit: Aditya Gautam

  • Performed by: Aditya Gautam

Aditya Gautam is an Author, Comedian and the founder of MC Comedy. His shows have received rave reviews in Perth Fringe, Adelaide Fringe and Melbourne Comedy Festival.

“Will Have you Laughing out of Shock!” - ★★★★ The Advertiser

“Comedy so spicy that your cheeks will be in constant pain” - ★★★★ FringeFeed

This project received Cash for Equity through the Fringe Fund, as part of the Ralph Mclean Microgrants program

About Multicultural Comedy

Aditya Gautam is an independent artist, author, and the founder of Multicultural Comedy.
He has been producing award-winning shows since 2019.

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