

Experience the joys, challenges, absurdities and realities of being single in our modern world.

$0 - $25.00
Sessions & Tickets
A black and white/sepia photograph of a man in his 40's clutching a blue heeler dog in a loving embrace. This image is set against a green design background of gumtrees in blossom.

Image Credit: Theresa Davis

  • Written and Performed by: David Mark Farrington

  • Devised by: David Mark Farrington

  • In Collaboration with: Visual Artists of the Mount Waverley Portrait Group and Photographer Theresa Davis

SEE, HEAR and FEEL a multi-media installation based on sculpture, sound and portraiture that traverses the existential experience of being single.

PARTICIPATE in an immersive, interactive, live-art show that explores the meaning of being single through a quirky, personal and honest Astro-Acoustic Self-Help Dating Service.
Who knows - you may even meet someone ??!!

The Installation
14 - 20 Oct : 10:30am - 4:00pm (Everyday)

Special Live Performances (3 sessions)
17 Oct : 7:00pm (Sensory Friendly)
18 Oct : 2:00pm (Matinee)
19 Oct : 7:00pm (Evening)

Access Sessions - Installation
Tactile Tour: 16 Oct, 2:00pm - 4:00pm (Also includes live performance elements)
Low Sensory: 17 Oct, 10:30am - 1:30pm

About David Mark Farrington

David Mark Farrington is a represented artist, model (ICACCM) and artistic director of the Universal Difference Collective who works in Australia and Europe. His mediums include live performance, cinema and conceptual art with works selected at the Cannes Film Festival (actor), the Midsumma Festival (conceptual art), a director's award at the Pune International Queer Film Festival (film) and lead artist in fashion cabaret with KOSHKA at the Nati Frinj in Victoria (RAV) (performance art).

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