
Modular Theme Time Presents 'In C'

An electronic improvisation of Terry Riley's composition "In C".

Sessions & Tickets
A large modular synthesiser fills the entire frame, highlighting an incredibly high number of dials and switches.
Sheet music is faint over a dark background, and the foreground displays text reading
The white Modular Theme Time logo showing a T, M and a T overlapping each other over a dark background.

Image Credit: Adrian Rachele

A large modular synthesiser fills the entire frame, highlighting an incredibly high number of dials and switches.
Sheet music is faint over a dark background, and the foreground displays text reading
The white Modular Theme Time logo showing a T, M and a T overlapping each other over a dark background.
  • Presented by: Modular Theme Time

  • In Association With: Hardware Road

Six local Naarm modular synth artists improvise the composition on their portable modular synthesizers.

"In C" was one of Modular Theme Time's first themes.
A beautiful album was created live in Wick Studios Brunswick, in a closed session.
We now present the skills of these fine modular synth artists to the public.

Modular Theme Time is a community-based music collaboration project that has been running since 2019 and has created 21 albums using 21 different themes suggested and chosen by its members. Over 90 modular synth artists have collaborated to create a diverse range of electronic music over the last four years, riding the wave of modular synth popularity, as it becomes the electronic musician's tool of choice.

You can find all Modular Theme Time albums on all the streaming services.

See you at the performance.

About Modular Theme Time

Modular Theme Time is a electronic music collaborative community based in Melbourne incorporating artists from all around Australia and New Zealand. The basis of the community is in the use of the modern modular synthesiser, with all themes suggested and chosen by our community members.

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