
Kitsch in Synch

A Discombobulated Domesticated Drag Drama!

Sessions & Tickets
Drag Performer Polly Filla is dressed in a 1950's housedress. She had a pink marilyn monroe style hairstyle, white high heels and pink rubber gloves. One hand is on her hip and the other is on her face while she looks to one side.
Drag Performer Polly Filla is seated at a kitchen table having a cup of tea. Something has given her a fright - she is kicking one foot in the air and has a strange expression on her face
Drag Performer Polly Filla is wearing a 1950's house dress and is seated on a couch, looking up at something in the distance

Image Credit: Joel Devereux

Drag Performer Polly Filla is dressed in a 1950's housedress. She had a pink marilyn monroe style hairstyle, white high heels and pink rubber gloves. One hand is on her hip and the other is on her face while she looks to one side.
Drag Performer Polly Filla is seated at a kitchen table having a cup of tea. Something has given her a fright - she is kicking one foot in the air and has a strange expression on her face
Drag Performer Polly Filla is wearing a 1950's house dress and is seated on a couch, looking up at something in the distance
  • Created and Performed by: Polly Filla

  • In Association With: Theatreworks

"Desperate Housewives" meets "The Stepford Wives" in KITSCH IN SYNCH, which comically explores the many multi-coloured moods of the everyday housewife in her endless quest for domestic perfection and... a husband!

KITSCH IN SYNCH is a solo drag performance which is a homage/parody of the Mid Century "Kitchen Sink" Drama, as well as a commentary on gender-based roles in society and examines the relationship between self worth, validation and relationship status.

The performance is completely complied from popular & obscure songs, radio and TV commercials, spoken word recordings and sound effects edited together, and is lip-synced meticulously by drag performer Polly Filla.

About Pollyfilla Productions

POLLY FILLA is one of Victoria's’ most respected drag performers, with a career spanning over 25 years, she regularly travels around Australasia to host and perform at a multitude of events.

Born in NZ, Polly has been a regular fixture on Australian stages since moving to Melbourne in 2006 and relocated to Bendigo in 2021 to bring some colour and campery to Central Victoria.

In demand as a versatile drag performer, costume maker, hostess and celebrity impersonator - Polly was the first HALL OF FAME inductee at the Melbourne Drag Awards in 2018, and has won various accolande including "Costumier of the year" and “best drag related business” for her costume work .

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