
Hello Red Planet VR

A sales pitch in virtual reality : why we should re-locate to Mars.

Sessions & Tickets
An AI generated image of a horse wearing a bright yellow space suit in front of a grey background.
An AI generated image of a man and young girl inside a space station. Both are smiling and wearing yellow space suits.
An AI generated image of a two figures wearing yellow space suits with closed helmets. Both are riding BMX-type bicycles on a desolate Martian landscape.

Image Credit: Bunk Puppets

An AI generated image of a horse wearing a bright yellow space suit in front of a grey background.
An AI generated image of a man and young girl inside a space station. Both are smiling and wearing yellow space suits.
An AI generated image of a two figures wearing yellow space suits with closed helmets. Both are riding BMX-type bicycles on a desolate Martian landscape.
  • Directed by: Jeff Achtem

  • Performed by: Emilie Bloom

  • Performed by: Christian Bagin

Humankind is moving to Mars. (We promise, it's the best way to dodge those Earthly troubles). Melbourne is being re-located to the Red Planet, and attending this info session is required viewing. No more mosquitos, no more bothersome birds and no more noisy ocean vistas and smelly trees. Mars offers stunning landscapes of endless, featureless desolation. Join renowned storytellers Bunk Puppets for a satirical information session laying out their daring escape plan from Earth. Because when Earth's problems seem too hard, it's time to head to the Red Planet! A 15 min virtual reality film experience featuring dozens of documentary voices from across Melbourne.

15 min duration.
VR headset provided.

With funding support from: City of Melbourne, Arts Merri-bek (Merri-bek Council), Regional Arts Australia, Regional Arts Victoria

About Bunk Puppets

Bunk Puppets creates imaginative and visually driven theater performances, using new approaches to shadow puppetry and clowning. We aim to develop work that appeals to a broad range of international audiences, and cultural groups.
Our artistic vision is to continually stretch the ancient art of shadowplay, into a contemporary storytelling form. Based in Brunswick, Bunk Puppets have established a worldwide reputation for imaginative visual theater productions, and a unique approach to shadow puppetry.


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