
Evil Lesbian CEO

A deep dive into corporate feminism's ultimate Nasty Girl.

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An older, white woman smiles fiercely into the camera. Her hair is dyed blonde and she has a white blazer over a black singlet, with a heart necklace on.

Image Credit: AI Generated

  • Created and Performed by: Sionna Maple

From Sheryl Sandberg to a $400 balayage, she just wanted to change the world (by consulting in IT). But she craved a role model: a lesbian who could show her the way.

Turns out, she wasn't alone. 3000km away in Perth, another white, upper-class lesbian danced with the neoliberal devil. And danced she did. All the way to the top of Australia's largest oil and gas company.

Evil Lesbian CEO will be a slippery dip into corporate feminism gone wrong, roasting a powerful Australian executive who embodies the rise of the capitalist lesbian.

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